xoxo Jane-O
This masterpiece of a photo shows a common scene

Love, Em
While I am sure this is not the graduation you expected, it is a feat nonetheless.

My guy. Kid. Son. Travel partner.
You're going places. And I'll be there by your side.

Glad we’ve been able to get close these past few semesters

Congrats Ben on graduating!!
You’re gonna crush it in the real world!

Congrats on graduating Benny Blanco
Can’t wait to hear you announce Dash’s first NFL TD!!

Congratulations to you, Ben. Well done!
It has been such a joy for us to be a part of your life

You are welcome on my doorstep anytime
The only thing you need is a cast-iron skillet.

Congrats to him on his accomplishments !!!!
His kind heart and goofiness is certainly one of a kind

Saving A Space
We’re saving a space for you, Carlton

I remember Christmas at Mom and Dad’s
How were we to know that 15 years later or so we would hear him

It is a thrill to celebrate your graduation with you
You are on solid ground and you are solid gold.

Mazel tov Ben!!
I’m so proud of you and happy for you

Dear Ben
Here's to new beginnings and old friends!

Huge Congratulations
Huge congratulations to graduating from Ithaca!

Big Ben!! Congratulations my brother!
I’m so proud of you and who you’ve become
Congratulations, Ben!
You have made the most of your college education by discerning your interests and pursuing them with diligence and gusto